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All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site. Please use the RocketLauncher to install an equivalent of the demo, all images will be replaced with sample images.

I've dabbled with websites for over 25 years, and during the last few I've had some fun with web applications. Most recently I'm building in React, often using the Bootstrap layout and UX library. Here's a quick list. 

app memoryMemory De Luxe

This app is my take on the classic Memory tile game. It features auto-scoring, guess count, and black-and-white and blurred modes for more of a challenge. It stores application state to the browser, enabling continuation on page refresh.

Tech: React, Bootstrap 5, CSS

app riverbottomsRiverbottoms Maps & Directions

Riverbottoms is what my family call our little patch of recreational land in central Minnesota. I leveraged the Google Maps API to mark boundaries and trails, along with points such as the bridge we built, hunting stands, and trail cameras. The page is published at GitHub Pages, so there's a redirect.

Tech: Google Maps API, jQuery, CSS

app sapSap Collection System Height Calculator

This application lets a person run sap collection lines at a particular slope (degrees or percentage). It calculates height from a starting point offset based on run length. It was developed to make helping my father set his many feet of lines a bit easier for two or three people.

Tech: jQuery, Bootstrap 4

app scorekeeperScorekeeper De Luxe

This app is among my suite of fun projects related to team building at work. We thought a universal scorekeeper might be nice for games like trivia.

Tech: React, Bootstrap 5

app team elevatorTeam Elevator De Luxe

This app was created to support team meetings with individual and overall mood assessment. It includes a conventional "elevator" layout as well as an experimental ring layout.

Tech: React, Bootstrap 5